Sunday, February 22, 2015

MacGown Art Talk at the Meridian Museum of Art

Headed to the Meridian Museum of Art Saturday morn to give a talk/demo deal about how I do my weird art. Brenda Brown invited me, and we had a decent cast of mostly older artists show up. First I showed them some representative examples of my art, then I pulled numerous smaller pieces of works in progress.

I also showed the art folks the collaborative piece I am working on with Ben Tolman, Ryan Thornburg and others. They all enjoyed seeing this and wanted to try something similar, albeit, on a small and simpler scale.

part of the collaboration I am working on
So, yep, here is some of the gang as they listened, asked questions, then spent some time drawing.

Pretty good time with the folks there at the museum, even sold a few of my books to some of them! Following the talk at the museum, I then visited the studio of Denise Dengler, one of the attendees. Brenda Brown, who had invited me down, had set this up as well, and she also came along. Denise and her husband's place in Lauderdale was a wonderful setup on 65 acres of wooded ravines adjoining a lake. In addition to her her husband's beautiful home, she had a two story studio and two additional small building where visiting artists can stay. Cool! Denise showed us lots of her colorful artwork and great facilities.

Me and Denise exiting her "Gypsy" trailer

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