Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rosenzweig Show Hung and Ready to Go!

My show at the Rosenzweig Arts Center is up! Thanks to Renee Sheridan, Mark Huerkamp, and all the others who hung the show. I have quite a few pieces up, somewhere in the neighborhood of 75-80 images. Fortunately, the Arts Center is a large space. I have much of that space occupied for sure though!

Rosenzweig Arts Center Show
Opening in 2 days at 5:30 pm on August 1st (Thursday).

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Mysterious Unseen World Around Us: drawings and mixed media paintings by Joe A. MacGown

Upcoming MacGown Exhibition at Rosenzweig Arts Center in Columbus, MS

Green Number 4
I will be having a one man show at the Rosenzweig Arts Center at 501 Main Street, Downtown Columbus, MS during the month of August, 2013. There will be a reception from 5:30 to 7:00 pm the first Thursday of that month (1 August).

Opening, Next Thursday - 5:30-7:00 PM

The show will include both new and older art. Most original pieces will be available for purchase, and prints of some pieces will be available as well. Of course, that is assuming that you are weird enough to want to buy any of this stuff;)

II will also include collaborations that I have done with Bernard Dumaine, Sal Hunter, Joseph Larkin, Ben Tolman, Gromyko Semper, Marcel Bakker, Sander Jansen, Peter Sibrin, Deborah Valentine, and Janelle McKain. These collabs will not be for sale. I don't want to part with them;)

I uploaded a video of some of this stuff today on Youtube with weird freaky keyboard in the background composed and recorded by my son Joseph MacGown. Anyway, check out the video!