Saturday, December 4, 2010

New mixed media drawing/painting finished

I finally pretty much finished up a drawing that I started a year ago. Although I did not work on the picture everyday, it took a ton of time to finish. The image is 4 x 4 feet on a piece of plywood. I painted it first with white paint a couple of times, then randomly applied colored inks using various methods. Then, of course, I went back with rapidograph pens of a couple of different thicknesses to find and delineate weird stuff. The title of the drawing is "Manic Depression". Thus far, I have not been able to get a good image of the piece because it is pretty big and a bit shiny. I do have some images anyway that may give you an idea.

Manic Depression 4 x 4 feet

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

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