Sunday, August 7, 2011

Upcoming Energy Art Show at Meridian Museum of Art and my Subconscious Meandering Show still ongoing

My exhibition entitled "Subconscious Meandering" is still ongoing at the Depot Gallery on the Mississippi State University Campus. The gallery is located above the Welcome Center in the Barnes and Nobles Building beside the Football Stadium. The show will be up through August 31st. The gallery is open from 8 AM to 5 PM Mondays through Fridays.

I have approximately 35 pieces of art in the show including a variety of surreal type drawings and mixed media paintings ranging in size from 8 X 8 inches to 4 X 4 feet. Additionally, some of the artwork includes collaborative works that I have done with several artists from around the world including Bernard Dumaine, Marcel Bakker, Debra Valentine, Gromyko Semper, Janelle McKain, Ben Tolman, Joseph Larkin, Sally Hunter, and Peter Sibrin.

Write-up by Steve Nalley about the exhibit in the Starkville Daily News :

Info about the show was also in the Starkville Dispatch Newspaper:

More info about the show:
and on the MSU Art Dept. Blog:

Upcoming Energy Art Show at Meridian Museum of Art

In other art news, the Energy Art Movement of which I am a member will be having a show at the Meridian Museum of Art in Meridian, Mississippi from October 5th through November 26, 2011 with a reception at 7 pm on October 29 with a gallery talk by artists.

The Energy Art Movement was started in May of 2008 by a group of artists collectively interested in raising the standards of artisitic expression. They believe that visual dynamism - "Energy Art" - is a natural evolution of art trends that preceded it, particularly those trends which reflect the complexity of civilization. As technology and science hurtle forward, this international movement holds that art should do more than reflect our surroundings: it should aspire to capture the energetic essence of life.

My drawing "Manic Depression"