The reception for the Energy Art Spectrum 2011 exhibition was held from 6-8 pm on Saturday 29 October 2011 at the Meridian Museum of Art in Meridian, MS. As this was an international show, it was difficult for members from other regions of the world to attend, and I was the only representative from the group. The crowd was not huge, but the folks that attended were treated to a great exhibition, and they generally seemed to appreciate the artwork. In fact, most of the viewers stayed for the entire two hour period. At 7 pm, museum director Kate Cherry gave a talk about the show, and following her talk, I gave a talk about the Energy Art Movement and how it related to my artwork. A video of Kate and my talk is available on Youtube at:, a video of my talk is available on Youtube at, and a video showing viewers at the reception can be viewed at
Some photos from the show

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