Prairie Arts Festival 2016 - Wrap-up
The Prairie Arts Festival, which was held in West Point, MS on Saturday, September 3, went pretty well for us. It was another hot day! But, we met some cool folks and saw lots of friends and art appreciators. We did not make as many sales this year as the previous year, but we attributed that in part to MSU having a midday football game, which meant that most of the folks in the age range who typically buy our art were not present at the festival. But, even so, it was worth the trip over. Also, I won first place in the Drawing/Mixed Media division of the Juried Show with my "As Above, So Below" piece!
Our tent, just after we set it up |
A wonderful young family who appreciated our art. Thanks! |
A picture that appeared in the local Columbus Dispatch Newspaper. Thanks!! |
"As Above, So Below". 1st place in Drawing/Mixed Media! |
SAAC Abstract Exhibition
This Thursday, the Starkville Area Arts Council Abstract show opens at 200 Main Street, downtown Starkville, MS. Check it out. Some cool and colorful art! Joseph and I both have two pieces in the show. Mine are both small pieces with one being a very abstract acrylic painting with even the frame painted (called "Five"), and the other one (Baxter's Journey) is a print on canvas, which I touched up with a pen. Each of these are only $100! I had planned on bringing the original "Baxter's Journey" for the show, but after posting it on FaceBook, I sold it almost immediately. Below are images of these pieces.
"Baxter's Journey", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 9 x 12 inches, print on canvas, $100 |
"Baxter's Journey", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, colored ink & pen on clay board, SOLD |
"Five"(framed), by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 9 x 12 inches, Acrylic paint on illustration board, $100 |
Joseph's has two nice pieces in the show with my favorite being a 2x2 ft painting on wood entitled "Overlapping Forms" ($225) and a nice little pastel piece called "Organic Improv" ($125).
"Overlapping Forms", by Joseph H. MacGown, 2016, 24 x 24 inches, spray paint, acrylic paint on wood, $225 |
"Organic Improv", by Joseph H. MacGown, 2016, 11 X 14 inches, oil pastel on paper, $125 |
Oberfest Exhibition at Studio 230 in Cleveland, MS - Opening 4 pm Oct. 1, 2016
I have five pieces in an exhibition at Studio 230 in downtown Cleveland, MS. Opening reception is set for 4 pm on Saturday October 1, 2016. Looks like an awesome show if you can make it! The artists in the show include
Sammy Britt, Floyd Shaman, Gerald D. DeLoach, Tommy Goodman, Bill Lester, Thad Brewer, Robin Whitfield, Katherine Pearson, Selena Nause,Nanette Long, John Campbell, James Moss, Cetin Oguz, and Joe A. MacGown.
Here are the pieces I will have in this show.
"Biogenesis", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 12 X 12 inches, colored ink & pen on wood, $750 |
"Birth", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 12 X 12 inches, colored ink & pen on wood, $750 |
"Evolution", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 12 X 12 inches, colored ink & pen on wood, $750 |
"Organic Cosmic Lock", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 24 x 24 inches, watercolor & pen on illustration board, $3,500 |
"Vent", by Joe A. MacGown, 2016, 24 x 24 inches, acrylic, colored ink & pen on wood, $1000 |
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