Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Joe MacGown Art Exhibition -Depot Gallery, MSU

My exhibition entitled "Subconscious Meandering" featuring some of my surreal drawings and paintings is up and running at the Depot Gallery on the Mississippi State University Campus. The gallery is located above the Welcome Center in the Barnes and Nobles Building beside the Football Stadium. The show will be up all summer from 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday from 3 May to 31 August 2011.

There will be an opening reception on Thursday, 2 June 2011 from 5 PM to 7 PM. Come join me for some refreshments while you view my somewhat strange artwork! Feel free to ask questions about how and why I draw the stuff I do.

Some of the artwork included will be collaborative works that I have done with several artists from around the world including Bernard Dumaine, Marcel Bakker, Debra Valentine, Gromyko Semper, Janelle McKain, Ben Tolman, Joseph Larkin, Sally Hunter, and Peter Sibrin.

If you can make the reception, great, if not, the show will be up all summer.

More info about the show:
and on the MSU Art Dept. Blog:

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