2019 has been so busy, I have not had much time to blog about the numerous exhibitions, artwalks, festivals and other activities I have been involved with. Starkville and the region in general is booming with artistic opportunities. What a great time to be an artist! My studio and property is gradually becoming more art friendly, and within a year I plan on having more art and music related events out there! Also, I recently revamped my website, so check it out if you have time at https://www.joemacgown.com/. Here are some highlights from the last couple of months!
INTERNATIONAL SHOWS: For me personally, it is always great to have my art included in cool exhibitions, and this year has been wonderful again in this regard! The Eurasion Art Union has been fantastic about organizing superb shows in spectacular venues. I was fortunate to have had art included in three fancy smancy group exhibitions featuring visionary and surreal artists from around the world this year including shows in Moscow, Russia; Belgrade, Serbia; and St. Petersburg, Russia! Thanks to organizer Oleg Korelov for inviting me.
Moscow House of Artists, Moscow, Russia |
Exhibition in St. Petersburg, Russia |
Exhibition in Belgrade, Serbia |
My amazing French art friend Bernard Dumaine, who is a master at collaborative works, had a spectacular show at the Phaneros Gallery in Healdsburg, CA that featured his own art and numerous collaborations he has done with others including me. The piece of ours included in the show is called "Honeymoon." Check out Phaneros Gallery if you are out that way!
Honeymoon, collaboration between Joe MacGown and Bernard Dumaine |
REGIONAL SHOWS: Following the Meridian Museum of Art Bi-State Exhibition that ended in early April, I have had art in several other regional group shows including the Cotton District Arts Festival (CDAF) Juried show in April at the Visionary Arts Center in Starkville, MS; an extended version of the CDAF show held from April 15 to May 10 at the Greater Starkville Development Partnership Gallery in Starkville, MS; and the Mississippi Presenter's Network "2019 Mississippi Touring Arts Show" at various venues including the O'Keefe Arts Center in Ocean Springs, the Powerhouse Arts Center in Oxford, the Visual Arts Center in Starkville, and the Bass Cultural Arts Center in Greenville. Below are images of the three pieces I had in the CDAF show, all of which are ink on wood pieces sized 24 x 48 inches.
MINERVA ART GALLERY: A small local gallery called Minerva opened up in April. The gallery is located at 203 Maxwell Street in the Cotton District of Starkville, MS. Minerva is owned by Tammy Carlisle, and I help out with the art in various ways including inviting artists, promoting events, maintaining the website and social media, and in other manners. Both Joseph and I have numerous pieces in the gallery, and we are building a nice selection of art by other local artists and several international artist friends including Peter Gric, Otto Rapp, Chris Dyer, A. Andrew Gonzalez, and KD Matheson! In addition to the art in the gallery itself, Minerva has hosted several pop up type shows where several of us had tents and other displays outside on 20 April, 18 May, 8 June, and 22 June. Our next event is an evening market on 26 July from 6 to 8 pm. Come check it out!
Minerva logo and sign, designed by Joe A. MacGown |
Here is a view of one of the walls of art in Minerva! |
ART FESTIVALS: Each year, Joseph and I try to participate in several regional art festivals and this year has been no exception. Our first festival of the year was the Three Foot Festival in Meridian, MS where our booth won best of show! The following week we had planned on being at the Cotton District Arts Festival, but unfortunately that event was canceled due to severe weather. However, two we weeks later we attended the Double Decker Festival in Oxford, MS and had a really good time!! Two weeks later we were at the Gumtree Festival in Tupelo, MS, which was moved inside of the Bankcorp South Arena due to potential bad weather. Overall, our experience there was less than spectacular, especially due to our booth placement, which was essentially hidden behind a stage. While we were glad they had an indoor alternative for the festival the booth placement and several other issues left a sour taste and it's unlikely that we will be returning anytime soon. We have at least there more upcoming festivals this year with the next one being the MissiHippi Fest at the Foxfire Ranch in Waterford, MS on 24 August; then the Prairie Arts Festival in West Point on August 31, and finally the Peter Anderson Festival in Ocean Springs on November 2-3.
Joe and Joseph MacGown at the Double Decker Festival in Oxford, MS |
CHALET ARTS: One of my greatest supporters of all time is Mark Wood, owner of Chalet Arts in Starkville, MS. Without Mark's continued support over the years, I would not be able to do what I do today. People often ask me where we make our beautiful archival postcards and prints and where we get our framing done, and I enthusiastically direct them to Chalet Arts. In addition to their great work, Mark goes the extra mile in supporting local art events. He even let me set up my art and the work of various other local artists on display in his store! Go check out the small gallery area and consider buying a piece of local art! Also, remember Chalet Arts when you need amazing prints and custom matting and framing! Awesome people!
Opening reception for art show at Chalet Arts |
Awesome art by local artists for sale at Chalet Arts |
STARKVILLE SUNDAY FUNDAY: This is our third year for Starkville Sunday Funday, which is picking up great support and continues to grow. Currently, I am serving my second term as chair of the group, with Blair Edwards, Joseph MacGown, Robert Camp, John Bateman, Rosa Dalomba, and Caleb Hutson filling out the board. The event takes place from 1 to 6 pm the last Sunday of each month from May through October. The first two of 2019 on May 26 and June 30 were by far the best ever as measured by attendance, vendors, and art sales. Our next one is coming up on July 28 and it should be spectacular as well. Come see for yourself! Art, food, beer, live music, live painting, kids' art activities and more! Volunteers are welcome!
Sunday Funday in Starkville!! |
ART WALKS: So far, in addition to various pop up shows, we have done a handful of other artwalk type deals this year such as the Meridian Art Walk on June 1. Coming up soon on July 18 from 5 to 7 pm we will be setting up for Third Thursday in downtown Meridian, MS! We will be set up this coming Sunday afternoon (July 21) from 2 to 6 pm in the outside pavilion area of Mugshots in Tupelo, MS with Tupelo artist Belle Naugher for the Tupelo Sunday Funday! Swing by and see us if you are in the area!
The MacGown Art booth at the Meridian Art Walk |
COMMUNITY MURAL: In May, I collaborated with Joseph H. MacGown on continuing a mural that he had started the year before on a retaining wall on Lampkin Street in Starkville, MS. This was part of the local art council's mission to start providing community art. The other sections of the wall were completed by Allison Julian and Gerard Woods, an elementary arts class, and a local high school group. We essentially finished up the wall. Go see it! FUN colors.
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